Hello taxpayers! Suppose you own a tax-exempt organization or responsible for taxes in such an organization. In that case, you must know that the last date to report the business income tax returns for your tax-exempt organization or apply for an extension to do so is coming soon. Though tax-exempt organizations are not required to pay taxes, they must submit their tax returns to the IRS every year along with proofs and supporting documents. If they cannot submit the tax returns on time, they can apply for the automatic extension period of six months using the extension Form 8868. Therefore, the deadline to report the business income tax or apply for Form 8868 for tax-exempt organizations is May 15, 2024. So, ensure that you submit your tax returns using the original form or apply for an extension using Form 8868 before the deadline hits. Otherwise, the IRS will charge penalties and late fees.
It is common for all types of business organizations to apply for an extension to submit their tax reports to the IRS. They must ensure to apply for a tax extension period through the appropriate extension form on or before the deadline to secure the extension time from the IRS. They will not ask for reasons for your extension application. You can file the extension form; the IRS will verify and approve the form. That’s all; you can peacefully enjoy the automatic six-month extension to submit your business income tax reports—E-file Form 8868 in ExtensionTax.com to get the extension approved immediately. ExtensionTax.com is an IRS-approved modernized online e-filing platform where business and individual taxpayers can smoothly apply their respective extension tax applications online and get instant approval from the IRS. Since the deadline is only a few days away, you can E-file Form 8868 and get instant extension approval from the IRS to continue your business activities peacefully, knowing that you’ve got six months to submit your tax reports.
Let us look into the reasons for E-file Form 8868 on ExtensionTax.com
Retain the tax-exempt status of your organization!
You must report the tax returns for your tax-exempt organization for three consecutive years to maintain its tax-exempt status. Therefore, E-filing Form 8868 gets you the proper extension period to prepare your tax reports smoothly and submit them along with necessary proofs and documents so that your organization can retain its tax-exempt status without any trouble.
Don’t get fined!
The IRS is very strict about tax forms and takes severe action against those who default on deadlines and fail to complete their tax obligations. If you fail to report your taxes or apply for an extension, the IRS will charge heavy penalties and late fees for missing the deadline. It is highly advisable to E-file Form 8868 on ExtensionTax.com and get instant extension approval.
Effortless Application!
E-filing Form 8868 on ExtensionTax.com is the most efficient and convenient way to secure the extension period. You don’t have to deal with paperwork, sending mail, or waiting for approvals. You can get the extension approval within a few minutes once you E-file Form 8868 through our platform. As ExtensionTax.com is available 24/7, you can apply for your extension tax form online at your preferred time and get the approval. Even if you are using it at the last minute, you will have a stress-free filing experience with the latest features in our platform. However, it is highly advisable to stay alert and E-file Form 8868 once you feel like you’ll need an extension to submit your tax reports. ExtensionTax.com offers the most pocket-friendly Form 8868 E-filing services; you can e-file Form 8868 for just $14.99 per application. For more information, contact our customer support executives at +1-866-245-3918 (toll-free).