So filers, keeping you posted about the due date is almost like a routine for us. Business income tax return is due date not too far from our calendar. However, if you are not ready with your documents yet and you looking for extra time to get things in place, you can always file form 7004 through by 16th of March 2015.
If you fail to pay your tax or extension, you are liable to pay penalties along with the tax due.
Today, we have jotted down few of the frequently asked questions by our filers.
Purpose of IRS Form 7004:
Form 7004 is a request application that provides 5-month tax extension by partnerships, most estates and trusts, and most multi-member LLCs. However, most other types of business entities (including C corporations, S corporations, foreign corporations, REMICs, and REITs) can use Form 7004 to request a 6-month tax extension. Continue reading