Extensiontax.com makes filing tax extensionseasy with their simple and secure e-filing program. Extensiontax.com is an authorized IRS e-file provider, serving the entire Nation. With Extensiontax.com, users can e-file a personal, business or nonprofit organization tax extension in less than 10 minutes, for less than $10.
The deadline for filing a tax extension is right around the corner. With Extensiontax.com, users can e-file a six month extension quickly and easily. The complete process, starting from signing up in to the website to transmit takes just a few minutes. Plus,Extensiontax.com offers the lowest price in the industry when it comes to Efiling Extension forms 4868, 7004 and 8868.
Extensiontax.com has loads of contextual help and support windows to guide users through the process. Other tax extension programs expect users to know what every form means; Extensiontax.com spells it out, and makes it easy. The website is intuitive, simple, and low on confusing tax jargon.
Here’s how it works:
- Users quickly create an account by clicking Sign up at Extensiontax.com
- They input their basic tax information into the application
- The program walks them through the process and checks for errors
- A couple of clicks later and their tax extensions is sent to the IRS
About e-filing :
Millions of people e-file their tax extension forms every year. The IRS has a digital initiative–a push to get up to 80 percent of their forms online–and tax extensions are included in that. E-filing a federal personal, business and nonprofit tax extension withForm 4868, 7004and 8868 is quick and easy. A tax extension extends the time to file, not to pay taxes (if they are owed).
www.ExtensionTax.com is committed to provide the Best in Quality and Service for all our users, www.ExtensionTax.com /www.TaxExcise.com is a certified, IRS authorized, e-file service provider for Form 2290, Form8849, Form720 & Extensions for Form4868, Form8868 and Form7004.
www.ExtensionTax.com /www.TaxExcise.com are products of Think Trade Inc. We are a BBB accredited company with A+ certification.
For any questions you may have regarding Excise Tax Filings please reach us at 1-866-245-3918 or simply write to us at support@extensiontax.com / support@taxexcise.com