In this taxation world, every corporate business, partnerships and certain trusts are mandate to file and report tax through the applicable tax form. However, there are times when you really don’t have time to file and report your tax. and in such cases, you can file an extension via form 7004 on or before the due date of your income tax return, i.e. 15th of March. Additionally, we have good news for you. Usually, IRS do not accept tax return during the weekends, and if the due date falls on a weekend, the next business working day is treated as the due date to file and report the extension or the tax form. The same implies here, as 15th of March is falling on a weekend, 16th of March is treated as the due date to file and report the income tax return or if you are filing the extension.
All You Need to Know About IRS Form 7004:
IRS form 7004 is filed to extend the time duration for filing certain income tax returns. However, there is one point you need to remember, these extensions serve you with grace time to report not to pay your tax. You are liable to pay your dues to the IRS when you are filing this extension. Also, extensions would be granted only if proper estimation is made and filed by the actual return date for which this extension applies. Continue reading